From Cars to Cans …

One of Britain’s leading car salvage, dismantling and recycling companies, SYNETIQ, recovers enough aluminum to create 346 million drinks cans per year.

On average, the company extracts more than 5,200 tons of aluminum during the vehicle recycling process each year. This amount is sufficient to make 346 million drinks cans, a press release informed. Then the light metal is redistributed back into the supply chain as part of its integrated, circular recycling model.

As reported, this is part of SYNETIQ’s initiative called “Our Road to Tomorrow”, of which the key aim is to be the most trusted and sustainable business in its sector. The initiative included a study into the true carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint of the firm’s operations and the CO2 savings that can be achieved by using green parts in automotive repairs while highlighting the environmental benefits of integrated salvage and recycling.

Aluminum is commonly used throughout modern vehicles, including body panels, wiring, wheels, engine and transmission, and must be carefully separated during the recycling process, the company explained. SYNETIQ would process more than 70,000 vehicles each year, using the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse, remanufacture and recycle to maximize the sustainability of operations. Vehicles that are not safe for repair, and do not contain reusable parts, are separated down into raw materials for recycling.

According to the information, over the last two years, the business has helped clients avoid 5.5 million kilograms of CO2 through the supply of green parts alone – the equivalent CO2 of powering 662 homes for one year.

(Published in GLOBAL RECYCLING Magazine 3/2021, Page 19, Photo: SYNETIQ)

