China‘s Import Ban: A Drama for the Recycling Branch?

Several times China has complained about the quality of imported…

Plastic Recycling on the Rise in Ghana

The Dow Chemical Company officially launched a coalition –…

Bulgaria: “All Beginnings Are Hard“

In Bulgaria, recycling of municipal waste including composting…

Singapore: Heading for Zero Waste

In October last year, several trade associations and chambers…

Solid Waste Management Market to Grow

Solid Waste Management Market will exceed 340 billion US-Dollar…

Which waste management companies plan to extend their market in SE Europe?

Composting, waste-to-energy, recycling industrial, agriculture,…

Ecomondo 2017: The circular economy in the spotlight

The priority commitments for the Green and Circular economy of…

IFAT 2018: New recycling legislation brings new impetus to the market

With the amended Commercial Waste Ordinance (Gewerbeabfallverordnung)…

New Ways of Consuming Feature New Ways of Waste Behavior

The volume and composition of post-consumer and business wastes…

Adelaide Installs Combined First Solar and Methane Power Plant

It is believed to be a first in Australia: the new combined solar…