Starlinger Delivers Its First Bottle-to-Bottle Plant to Turkey
The food-grade PET recycling system will be supplied to rPET…

Birdz & Sensoneo Announce Partnership to Accelerate their Development in the Smart Waste Segment
Birdz, a subsidiary of Veolia and pioneer in environmental IoT,…

How AI and Data Capture Are Improving MRF Operations in an EPR World
It’s been a mere few years since robots first made inroads…

Waste-to-Hydrogen: A Valid Tool to Help Decarbonise the EU Industry
ESWET expresses its support to the draft gas package presented…

Genius Watter: Double Award for Italian Organization
The Italian company – which has been working for several years…

INEOS Styrolution America LLC Receives ISCC PLUS Certification for Sustainable Plastics
INEOS Styrolution America makes further advancements towards…

European Bioplastics Conference Confirms Bioplastics Make Significant Contributions to the European Union’s Ambitious Climate Goals
At the 16th annual European Bioplastics (EUBP)…

IMCO Vote on Draft Opinion – Battery Regulation
The European Parliament Committee on "the Internal Market and…

Stadler Designs and Builds new GAIA and IREN Sorting Plants in Asti and Parma
As the 2030 Agenda targets loom, environmental service companies…

UNTHA XR Shredder Transforms Hazardous Waste Possibilities for Carmona in Portugal
An UNTHA XR2000C shredder now lies at the heart of a €16m hazardous…