Tag Archive for: OECD

European Recyclers Support Japan’s Objection to Proposed OECD Rules on E-waste Trade
In its latest position paper, European recyclers have united…

FEAD and EERA Joint Response to the Possible Incorporation into the OECD Decision of Recent Amendments to Basel Convention
With the occasion of the last Basel Convention e-waste amendments…

International Environment Council: Revision of EU Shipment Regulations Could Pose Serious Export Threat
The European Commission is considering changes to EU waste shipment…

Global Trade, Digitalization and Post-Pandemic Recovery
The global spread of the Coronavirus not only disrupted international…

After the Covid-19 Pandemic: Visions for Economic Recovery
The coronavirus pandemic has devastated communities and economies…

OECD: Raw Materials Will Double by 2060
The expansion of global economy and the rise of living standards…