Tag Archive for: Recycling

Martin Böschen new President of BIR Textiles Division

The board of the BIR Textiles Division has appointed Mr Martin…

Global Recycling Day 2019 takes places in cities around the world

Global Recycling Day 2019 took place in cities across the world…

Bureau of Middle East Recycling: Business Factor with far-reaching Connections

The Bureau of Middle East Recycling (BMR), founded as the association…

Global Recycling Foundation confirms support from TOMRA

Global Recycling Foundation is pleased to announce that TOMRA…

USA: National League of Cities Recommends Circular Economy

To improve municipal waste management practices, boost local…

Morocco: “Huge Potential for Investment”

Morocco’s National Program for Household Waste Management of…

Gulf Countries: Economic Growth in 2019

The economic prospects for the six countries in the Gulf Cooperation…

CHINAPLAS 2019 Shaping a Brilliant Future for Packaging Industry

Driven by the dynamic economic development, accelerating urbanization…

“We are simply paying lip service to recycling” – A statement from Ranjit Baxi

UK businessman Ranjit S. Baxi is the Founding President of the…

Global Recycling Foundation calls on the world to combat climate change by championing recycling

The landmark agreement announced at COP24 in December 2018 has…