Tag Archive for: Ross Bartley

International Environment Council: Recycling Industry Holds Its Breath Ahead of EU Waste Shipment Recast
The latest webinar hosted by the BIR International Environment…

BIR World Recycling Convention: Launch of new Survey on Shredder Safety
During the latest World Recycling Convention (online) organized…

International Environment Council: Revision of EU Shipment Regulations Could Pose Serious Export Threat
The European Commission is considering changes to EU waste shipment…

BIR World Recycling Convention Week 2020 International Environment Council: Stakes Are High for Recyclers in Basel Convention’s Annex IV Review
The webinar hosted by the BIR International Environment Council…

BIR Global eForum – Plastics: Demand-Pull Measures Crucial to Recycling Industry’s Survival
Demand for recycled plastics has been “very weak”, “huge”…

International Environment Council: New Listings for Plastics Waste
New listings agreed at the United Nations’ recent Basel Convention…

The UN’s Basel Convention Takes Significant Steps against Marine Plastics, Microplastics and Plastic Littering
BIR Trade & Environment Director Ross Bartley has attended…