Tag Archive for: waste

Summa Equity Acquires Fortum Recycling and Waste
In July, Finnish company Fortum signed an agreement to sell its…

EuRIC Urges Swift Deal and no EPR for Second-hand
EU Environment Ministers have adopted the Council’s position…

Industry’s Role in Helping to Solve Major Challenges
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) Industry Group publishes report…

EuRIC Hails ENVI’s Call to Reconsider Mass Balance Method for Recycled Content Calculation in SUPD
EuRIC hails today’s vote in the Parliament’s ENVI committee,…

Europe’s Recyclers Applaud Milestone PPWR Deal
The COREPER deal on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation…

FEAD Celebrates European Parliament’s Vote on a Revision of the Waste Framework Directive
On March 13, the European Parliament voted in plenary on a revision…

FEAD’s Scientific Study on the Presence of PFAS in Waste
FEAD (the European Waste Management Association) is pleased to…

Tana Second Life: Rebuilding TANA Machines Creates Sustainable Growth
Carrying out repairs and maintenance within the normal life cycle…

Recyclers Urge EU Action to Protect Europe’s Plastics Recycling Industry from ‘Recycled’ Plastics Influx
In response to the ongoing negotiations on the Packaging and…

The Unbearable Complexity of Defining Recycling
by Kalle Saarimaa, CEO Tana Oy
What is recycling and how can…