An Integrated Waste Management System for Western Macedonia

About one year ago, Greece’s first PPP (Public Private Partnership) integrated waste management system project in Western Macedonia, Municipality of Eordaia, went operational.

According to InvestEU, it was built at a cost of 50 million Euro. This sum includes 17 million Euro from the contractor, 26 million Euro in EU funding and loans, and six million Euro in bank loans and private capital. The funds also cover 27 years’ maintenance and operation of the system. The infrastructure can manage 120,000 tons of waste a year and should cut landfill use. As reported, Western Macedonia was the first region in Greece to operate such a facility; it would comply with European directives relating to waste management. The contract for the construction and operation of the first integrated waste management system (IWMS) through a PPP was signed in 2015. It provided two years for the construction of new infrastructure and 25 years for the operation of new infrastructure and existing transfer stations in the region.

The project contractor was Epadym S.A., a special purpose company incorporated by Helector S.A. and Aktor Concessions S.A. to implement the contract. The company is – like Helector, the constructor specialized in waste management – a member of the Greek Ellaktor Group.

Special Secretariat for PPP

The coordinator of this project was the Greek Ministry of the Economy, Development and Tourism – Special Secretariat for Public-Private Partnerships. According to the information on the secretariat’s homepage, “Greece is a pioneer in the field of blending ΕU grant and private capital into PPP projects in Europe based on the European Parliament‘s Report” (

“The Special Secretariat for PPPs strongly promotes works in waste management throughout Greece. The aim is to utilize community resources in waste management PPP projects and other environmental projects,” the homepage says. Ideas are welcome.

Photo: Helector

GR 2/2018