Finding Partners

There will be international matchmaking at the “Recycling-Technik” (recycling technology) exhibition, taking place in Dortmund on November 7 and 8, 2018.

Promoting international co-opera­tion, strengthening of the domestic recycling industry as well as the strengthening of industry and research – these are the goals that the Zenit GmbH is pursuing by WFZruhr and the Enterprise Europe Network. The terminology “Matchmaking” originates from the video games industry and describes the process of bringing together the various players in the game. That is exactly the aim of this initiative for companies in the recycling sector. With the Enterprise Europe Network, a strong partner has been gained; this initiative from the European Commission is with representations in more than 60 countries the worldwide largest network of information offices and advisory services for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). For the recycling and environmental economic numerous international contacts and partners are listed. For a lot of SME, it is not really that easy to establish international contacts. That is where “matchmaking” recycling research is there to help. Companies can gain from this opportunity by following the below mentioned seven steps:

1. Reserve November 8th, 2018 in your calendar for a visit to the exhibition in Dortmund.
2. Express your technology and/or product range and demand as well as your ideas for research projects.
3. Register online briefly describing your company as well as your co-operation requests.
4. Have a look at the list of exhibitors and select the ones you would like to talk to. Please note that exhibitors and profiles will be added until the end of October.
5. Have a look at the meeting schedule Zenit will prepare for you prior to the exhibition.
6. On November 8th, 2018 just go to the exhibit booth from WFZruhr (hall 7, stand X 08) and prenumbered tables will await you for your talks with your potential partners.
7. Contact us at the exhibitions with your questions, suggestions and wishes.

For online registration and list of exhibitors go to

Foto: Easyfairs Deutschland GmbH

GR 3/2018