EuRIC, FEAD and PRE Selected to Join the New EU Platform on Sustainable Finance
The European Commission published on 8 February 2023 a list of 28 experts who will be joining the new EU Platform on Sustainable Finance for a mandate of two years. EuRIC, FEAD and PRE who have applied jointly through the European Alliance for Sustainable Finance in waste management & recycling (EASF) look forward to working with the European Commission to support the other Platform’s experts.
While EuRIC was the only association to be represented in the Platform previously, the joint selection of EuRIC, FEAD and PRE through the EASF means more resources will be available to support a science-based implementation of the Taxonomy Regulation which directs investments towards the most sustainable activities.
Daniel Houska, Board Member & Treasurer of the European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC):
“Being appointed as a Member of the Platform on Sustainable Finance is a great honour and a recognition of the instrumental role played by the waste management and recycling industry to achieve the environmental objectives set out in the sustainable finance framework. Over the following two years of mandate as a Platform Member, the EASF, that EuRIC founded together with FEAD and PRE, looks forward to providing credible and science-based advice, taking advantage of our broad industrial expertise and robust experience gained on sustainable finance for years.”
Claudia Mensi, President of the European Waste Management Association (FEAD):
“The waste management sector plays a pivotal role in achieving the EU’s climate goals. For this reason, the selection of the EASF, of which FEAD is a founding member, is a strong signal that the inclusion of the industry in the process of developing the criteria, and eventually on delivering on the aims of the EU Taxonomy Regulation, is essential.”
Ton Emans, President of Plastic Recyclers Europe (PRE):
“The platform will drive the transition towards the circular economy, and plastic recycling is one of the key solutions to achieving that. Being part of the platform gives us a voice to further accelerate the industry’s progress towards achieving higher recycling rates and to increasing the use of recycled plastic.”
Source: EuRIC (Brussels, February 10, 2023)