Tag Archive for: BIR

Dutch and Swedish recycling industries pledge support to Global Recycling Foundation
The Dutch Waste Management Association (DWMA), the Dutch Industrial…

UNIDO and BIR to Intensify their Cooperation
In June this year, the United Nations Industrial Development…

Obstacles to Plastics Trade in Asia
The international scenario of the plastic scrap market due to…

A Notable Anniversary
In Barcelona, around 1,100 delegates from 63 countries celebrated…

Paper for Recycling: Less Demand in China
Experts believe Chinese imports of recovered fiber could drop…

New Statistics on Global E-Scrap Quantities: A Big Business
The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) commissioned a new…

China‘s Import Ban: A Drama for the Recycling Branch?
Several times China has complained about the quality of imported…

Metalface is joining individuals and businesses across the world to celebrate Global Recycling Day
Metalface – the world's largest online network of metal recyclers,…

Global Recycling Day: Cities across the world are announcing their plans
Cities across the world are announcing their plans to celebrate…

Team behind Global Recycling Day ask world leaders to put recycling commitments on their New Year’s resolution list
World leaders are being asked to put recycling at the top of…