Tag Archive for: Corona

Wastewater doesn’t lie: Corona-Virus recognized via Wastewater Treatment Plants
The uncertainty caused by the Corona-Virus or Covid-19 respectively…

BIR’s Global eForum: Business Activity despite the Virus
The lockdown and the social distance requirements because of…

eREC – The First Virtual Expo for the Recycling Industry
It is time for a new, digital event. Therefore, eREC will take…

COVID-19: Update by BIR Member National Associations: The World Moves Tentatively into Reopening Phase
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, BIR has sought to collate…

Update by BIR Ambassadors: Lockdowns Exert a Stranglehold on Scrap Supply
In the latest of our series of updates on the world’s response…

Covid-19 Update: Fragmented Picture for Under-Pressure Recycling Industry
BIR continues to gather expert updates on the impact of COVID-19…

COVID-19 Update : BIR Contacts Governments and Shipping Lines to Alleviate Impact of Port Shutdowns
BIR has officially contacted governments, shipping lines and…

Coronavirus Update: BIR Calls on Governments to Recognize Recycling Industries as Essential Activities
The Bureau of International Recycling is the global federation…

Coronavirus Update: European Commission Publishes Guidance Document
The European Commission has published its guidance on Shipments…

Critical Work of Recycling Industry Recognized in Many Parts of the World
At this unprecedented time as the world adopts severe and wide-ranging…