Global Waste Recycling Market Outlook 2018

The analysis, conducted by global research and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, revealed that IoT (Internet of Things), 3D printing, predictive analytics, and China’s ban on imported waste are to alter the state of the market worth 300.71 billion US-Dollar. According to its Global Waste Recycling Market Outlook 2018, last year close to 48.2 million […]

Finding Partners

There will be international matchmaking at the “Recycling-Technik” (recycling technology) exhibition, taking place in Dortmund on November 7 and 8, 2018. Promoting international co-opera­tion, strengthening of the domestic recycling industry as well as the strengthening of industry and research – these are the goals that the Zenit GmbH is pursuing by WFZruhr and the Enterprise […]

Logistics as Key Enabler for a Circular Economy

Future challenges in logistics and supply chain management: A whitepaper, published by Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics, introduces logistical trends supporting the transformation towards a Circular Economy. The principle of the Circular Economy is to keep raw materials as long as possible within the economic cycle generally free from waste and emission. To […]

Connecting Business and Investment Possibilities

There are several business platforms operating on the African continent, which help investors. One of them is “Invest Africa”, a result of the coming together of two organizations under this name in 2018: the “Business Council for Africa” (BCA) and “Invest Africa”. According to the organization’s homepage, the BCA was established in 1956 as the […]

Wind of Change in Africa

The African Union – the organization represents all sovereign states on the continent – has the vision that African countries will be recycling at least 50 percent of the urban waste they generate by 2023 and grow urban waste recycling industries. With an area of about 30,000,000 square kilometers and a growing population of more […]

Tremendous Business Opportunities in Africa

There are many reasons to invest in the countries of the African continent. According to the report “Africa Waste Management Outlook“, published this year by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the waste management practices on the continent are far from ideal: Backlogs in waste collection coverage and disposal to open dumps or unsanitary landfills […]

Digitalization Trends and the Global Waste Recycling Market

According to the international research and consulting company Frost & Sullivan, smart bins, robotic sorting, mobile applications, smart trucks, and analytical tools as well as optimization software solutions are creating new growth opportunities. Frost & Sullivan’s analysis, titled “The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Waste Recycling Industry”, finds that the adoption of advanced technologies, […]

The Green Bond Opportunity

According to the Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BNY Mellon), the global green bond market continues to see significant growth; it is also attracting a larger and wider issuer base. This progression reflects 155.5 billion US-Dollar in labeled green bonds, “incorporated into a larger 895 billion US-Dollar universe of climate-aligned bonds that contribute to […]

Germany: GreenTech for Sustainable Development

The German Federal Environment Ministry presented the “GreenTech Atlas 2018”. In the view of the ministry, this publication confirms that green products and services are on the rise with a global market volume of 3,200 billion euros in 2016. This share is likely to increase by 6.9 percent annually to amount to 5,900 billion euros […]

New Statistics on Global E-Scrap Quantities: A Big Business

The Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) commissioned a new report, which was published at the world recycling organization’s latest convention, held in Barcelona in May this year. End-of-Life electrical and electronic equipment (EoL-EEE) is currently considered to be one of the fastest growing waste streams worldwide, growing at three to five percent per year, especially […]