Pacific Region: Programs for Waste Management and Climate Change Adaptation
Two programs amounting to almost 32 million Euro were signed by the European Union (EU) Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, on the occasion of his visit to the Pacific.
The goal is to promote sustainable waste management and support adaptation efforts to the effects of climate change. “They underline the EU’s strong commitment to the Pacific region as well as reinforcing the strong cooperation between the Pacific region and the EU,” a press release said. As reported, the Pacific–European Union Waste Management Program will provide 16.5 million Euro to manage waste in the region. This would aid the Pacific area to address issues relating to health and well-being, marine litter and biodiversity conservation. It will be implemented in partnership with the SPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme) with other key regional partner agencies.
Signing up the The Global Climate Change Alliance Plus – Scaling-up Pacific Adaptation Programme (GCCA+ SUPA), the EU will allocate 14.89 million Euro to help the region adapt its plans and strategies towards climate change. According to the information, it will be implemented in partnership with SPC (the Pacific Community), SPREP (Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme) and USP (The University of the South Pacific).
(GR 22019, Page 14)