Tag Archive for: recycling plant

Mattress Recycling: Repolyol from Polyurethane Foam
German-based H&S Anlagentechnik GmbH has realized an industrial-scale…

Bonfiglioli’s Complete Range of Solutions for Recycling Processing and Machinery
Bonfiglioli conceives, designs and produces custom solutions…

Enviro Intends to Realize Tire Recycling Facility in Uddevalla
Sweden-based company Scandinavian Enviro Systems has been granted…

Thailand: Construction of a Recycling Plant Considered
The Austrian company ALPLA and Thai firm PTT Global Chemical…

Panizzolo Mega 1500: Decisive Role for Metal Valorization
Due to non-performing recycling plants, a considerable quantity…

Continuous Development – Interview with Thomas Sörensson, the CEO of Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB.
Nowadays, Scandinavian Enviro Systems AB is best-known for efficient…

Growing interest for Enviro’s technology in North America
Enviro’s pyrolysis technology is hotter than ever in the North…

A Recycling Plant for the Dominican Republic
In September last year, Cibao Metal Recycling (CIMER) Srl, a…

Mongolia Considers Tax Reductions on Recycling Plants
As reported by Chinese news agency Xinhua, Mongolia considers…

Greece – A Late Developer in Recycling
“The country’s waste management situation is a major structural…