Tag Archive for: waste treatment

Insufficient Infrastructure: Business Opportunities in Pakistan
Industry experts believe that the pressure to invest in waste…

Latin America and the Caribbean: Seeking the Route to Improve Waste Treatment
Latin America and the Caribbean region consist of 42 countries,…

ProDIGIT: Software to Optimize Waste Treatment
With its ProDIGIT operating software, the internationally active…

Sorton: Turn-Key Facilities by Calaf Constructura
Starting in 2020, Calaf Constructura will use the brand Sorton…

Panizzolo Mega 1500: Decisive Role for Metal Valorization
Due to non-performing recycling plants, a considerable quantity…

Molinari: Shredders and Granulator “Made in Italy”
At Ecomondo 2019, which takes place in Rimini (Italy) from 5th…

Panizzolo Recycling: End of Waste Treatment for Armored Cable (SWA)
At the end of its cycle, the armored cable becomes a tricky waste…

Meet Metso at IFAT China: Growing Waste Recycling Requirements Call for Efficient and Reliable Shredding Solutions
Metso will present its wide waste recycling equipment and service…

India: Waste Treatment Plant Inaugurated
As reported by The Times of India, in December last year a new…

Basque Country: On Its Way to a European Reference Region
Basque Country – or in Basque: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa –…